Friday, November 10, 2006

Introducing "Plan B" for the Memorial Fund. This is not to say that Plan A is off the table. I just want to float this idea by everyone to see what people think.

I am thinking about starting a non-profit organization called The Arts Care. This organization will two ways in which it attempts to make the live of cancer patients better.

First, I would like to give free art lessons, probably painting, to cancer patients. It would allow patients something to look forward to each week and it would give them an outlet for the roller coaster of emotions occur during the treatment process.

Second, I want to give cancer patients "A Night Out Without Cancer". My plan is to give patients tickets to some of the many shows that go on year round. My hope is to acquire these tickets either as donations or by buying them at a "wholesale" price.

Last spring Christa and I took the the kids to see Godspell at Mapelwood Barn Theater. It was a perfect spring evening and Christa really enjoyed the night out. I think she actually got to relax and not worry about all that was going on in her life, at least for an hour or two.

So this is Plan B in a nut shell. I would really like to hear what the people who knew and loved Christa think of this idea. Constructive criticism is always appreciated.

Peace and Good Cheers,

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