Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Plan A for the Christa Ballew-Matthews Memorial Fund for the Arts.

The building to the left is Lee Expressive Arts School. Both Eilish and Elora attend school here. They just celebrated their centennial a couple of years back.

The students at Lee have designed and made tile murals to be installed in the white areas that you see above the five large windows shown. The next photo shows a similar project that was done by Lee students and installed at the Columbia Public Library. There is also a PDF file that gives a detail look of the installation at the library.

From what I have heard there are several reasons that the school board has not allowed the project at the school to be completed, the largest of which is lack of funds for the installation. I hope that by showing that the funds are now available, the other reasons will fall by the wayside.

Christa and I often talked about how this project needed to be completed. It seems a more than fitting memorial for an artist like Christa.

You can read more about Lee Expressive Arts School and their integrated arts curriculum by following the link.

With Fingers Crossed and Good Cheer,

1 comment:

DJ said...

"How far that candle throws her beams! So shines a good deed in a weary world." William Shakespeare